Friday 20 November 2015

Q.32: Why SiH4 bond length is less than SiF4 bond length.?

Reasoning Question Series : Q.34: Why SiH4 bond length is less than SiF4 bond length.? Ans: #1. First All we wil Know that Bond length bond length or bond distance is the average distance between nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule. #2.As we Know That both are Sp3 Hybridized. but bond length depend upon the forces of attraction between Two Atoms. as number of share electron increases , Bond length decreases. #3. Due to electronegaive difference between the Si and Hydrogen, Si and H have lower electronegative difference : Silicon has 1.9 and Hydrogen is 2.1. while Si and F have higher Electronegative difference . 3. Thats why Si attracts Four Hydrogen strongly Than Flourine. then SiH4 Bond Length is less than SiF6 Bond Length. .if u know another reason .plz comment Below Regards Malik Xufyan

1 comment:

  1. there is more electronegativity difference between SiF4 then it should have short bond length than SiH4
